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SRC Presents Collaborative Grant Design at Grant Writer Conference

Alyssa Spina presented at the American Grant Writers Association Conference in July 2021 on Collaborative Grant Design.

Collaborative grants support a thoughtful partnership of multiple nonprofits that benefits from the diverse expertise or services of each agency, and will enable more effective, efficient delivery of services than individual organizations working alone. It includes:

  • Developing and agreeing upon a set of common goals and direction.

  • Sharing the responsibility for obtaining those goals.

  • Working together to achieve those goals, using the expertise and resources of each collaborator.

  • Jointly developed arrangement such as an MOU/MOA.

  • Jointly developing a budget that best supports the program and provides agencies with resources to meet goals.

In July 2021 in Orlando, Florida, Alyssa presented to 40 grant writers, non-profit executives and grant-making staff a comprehensive presentation on facilitating collaborative grant design.

The presentation included strategies from the grant writer perspective and non-profit perspective on effective grant collaboration for large multi-million dollar opportunities. Topic discussed were how to identify and build effective partnerships, how to foster trust and create synergies, talking money and the process of writing.

If you are interested in a copy of the presentation, email


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