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Grant Funding Leads to Non-Profit Award

Over $3 million in funding secured for collaborative health care project "No Wrong Door", impact and partnership is recognized by Central New York Business Journal

Spina Research and Consulting and Non-Profit Clients

Three of Spina Research and Consulting clients were recently awarded the CNY Business Journal Collaboration Award for their No Wrong Door project that has been awarded millions in grant funding.

No Wrong Door — An Integrated System of Care. CNYHHN, Upstate Cerebral Palsy (UCP) and Upstate Family Health Center (UFHC), have developed a centralized hub for coordinating care for vulnerable populations. The collaboration was developed to meet the unmet health-care needs of vulnerable populations in Oneida County that: (1) face barriers to quality health care; and, (2) are more likely to have poor health outcomes. This population is also most at risk of under-utilizing primary and preventive services and over-utilizing hospitals and emergency rooms. The goal is to ensure that this at-risk population can immediately and seamlessly connect with the right services and supports through a well-orchestrated screening, referral and care coordination process paired with embedded services within community-based organizations. Unfortunately, many agencies that work closest with at-risk populations and understand their needs are grass roots/small agencies that are not included in opportunities to shape the health-care delivery system. The No Wrong Door model creates integrated networks of care with a strong centralized hub that engages grass roots agencies to better serve at-risk populations with nuanced needs. The model is centered around five key activities:

  • Identification of agencies that interact with target populations (Spoke Agencies)

  • Engaging agencies and subject matter experts in discussions to determine key gaps in service delivery

  • Development of tools and resources to standardize and coordinate care

  • Embedding targeted care and support within spoke agencies

  • Achieving sustainability of embedded care through development of case loads

Of the 700 shared clients that the agencies collectively serve through No Wrong Door initiative, SRC and the agencies performed an analysis on a group of clients to compare the number of Emergency Department (ED) visits before No Wrong Door implementation and after. We found that after receiving care through our program the ED-visit rate went from eight visits per client to two. So, we could conservatively estimate that our model potentially reduces ED visits for our shared clients by 50 percent. The result on Medicaid cost savings would be significant. A 50 percent reduction in ED visits for our 700 shared clients, from 5 ED visits per client to 2.5 visits, leads to an estimated savings of over $3 million in Medicaid costs.


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